Tired legs massages

Tired legs are a problem that affects a large percentage of adults, especially women. Symptoms of tired legs often include pain, itching, difficulty walking, a feeling of leg strain, tingling and even burning. In addition, heat or temperature changes can increase the feeling of tired legs. These symptoms, as well as being annoying, can lead the sufferer into a vicious circle of sedentary lifestyles, which only worsens the situation.

Massage can alleviate some of the symptoms of tired legs by activating circulation. To do this, the massage should be gentle and not painful. An effective massage to relieve tired legs should use more global manoeuvres, i.e. act on the muscle in a global way. Moreover, the movements should always be upwards, which favours venous and lymphatic return.

Duration: 25-50 min.

Our centre

Av. Rafael Puig Lluvina, 38, 38660 Playa de la Américas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife



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+34 683 55 87 34


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